The CST has assumed responsibility for chairing the TEL Coordinating Committee (TELCC), a group composed of representatives from the various technology support units on campus and associated faculty members. The committee meets once or more per month to discuss issues and resource planning with respect to the use of technology in teaching. The CST's role as Chair is to coordinate the activities of the university's technology support units in a manner that maintains the primacy of an instructional perspective on their work. The CST's participation on the Committee also greatly facilitates our ability to inform instructors about the possibilities for enhancing their teaching with technology. It also improves our ability to set up appropriate and effective interactions between instructors and technology support personnel.
The TEL Coordinating Committee is constructing a website,, which will bring together in one location information about the possibilities and resources for technology-enhanced teaching and learning at York. The website is still very much a developing project, so we encourage everyone to visit it and send suggestions for modifications and additions that would enhance its usefulness.
The Committee has initiated a number of projects to improve the ability of York instructors and units to gain the potential benefits of TEL. The most visible of these is the TEL Workshop Day held on May 7, 2003. This event provided an opportunity for demonstrations of existing TEL initiatives, discussions of TEL issues and possibilities, and exchanges of ideas about the practice of teaching and learning with technology. A major part of the Committee's work will be to provide a coordinated approach to professional development with respect to TEL. Please refer to the website often to learn about current professional development opportunities.
Also on the website, one will find a complete list of the units and individuals participating on the TEL Coordinating Committee.